
How to dial to Japan from the U.S.

Time difference - Japan is 17 hours ahead of California during daylight saving time. For example, Tuesday 1pm in Japan is Monday 8pm in California.
Residential Phone:

  • 1. Dial 011, the international access code.
  • 2. Dial 81, the country code for Japan.
  • 3. Dial the area code (it's 86 for Okayama and Kurashiki)
  • 4. Dial the rest of the telephone number.

For example, to call Seishin +81-86-462-1661
You will dial 011-81-86-462-1661

Cell Phone:

  • 1. Dial 011, the international access code.
  • 2. Dial 81, the country code for Japan.
  • 3. The area code for the cell phones is usually 090 or 080, but you leave away the leading 0.
So you will dial like this 011-81-90-xxxx-xxxx

