2010/03/17 0 comments

Free Cell Phone Rental by ANA (2010)

ANA (All Nippon Airways) provides free cell phone rental service to its customers. As we will fly ANA, we are qualified. [For details click here]

For our entire stay, the rental fee is free. The incoming calls are at no charge too.

Call Rate:
Domestic Calls (60 yen/30s)
International Calls (75 yen/30s)

SMS Messages
Domestic SMS (10.5 yen/msg)
International SMS (126 yen/msg)

Insurance (optional) 157.5/day

2010/03/04 0 comments

Experience shared by Blair

I received a long email from Blair's co-ordinator of the Japanese exchange program - Ms. Wulf. She has been to Seishin 4 times. Her experience is a great help for us. (Click the title to read the email.)
2010/03/03 0 comments

Meeting postponed

Sorry, I have to postpone the meeting on Thursday at lunch. I need to go to another meeting about course registration process with Ms. Tupaj-Farthing and Ms. Rolfson. They just scheduled it today.
Probably we can meet the week after the spirit week. I'll send out a notice next week.